Wagons West, Eyes East // October 2014 Update

Greetings from Georgia,
Our time here in the South is winding down at the end of next month and we are beginning to gear up as a family for the next season. Here is an update of what’s ahead.
December 1st we’ll be driving out to Colorado Springs to settle in for the following year where we will be working to build up the training and sending center. Throughout the year, Anna and I will be taking a number of Middle East trips to coordinate with our teams, build out the regional infrastructure, and scout for a long-term base of operations to which our team will transition at the end of next year.
We have been house hunting in Colorado from the other side of the country, but haven’t landed anything yet. We would be grateful if you would pray with us that the Lord would provide something affordable and close to the missions base. Every place we have lived while in the US has been furnished (which has been a tremendous blessing). Affordable furnished houses are unfortunately hard to come by in the Springs. So we are most likely going to have to buy the basics.
In January, Anna and I will be traveling to a capital city in the Middle East to meet with all of our leaders who are spearheading pioneering teams throughout the Islamic world. Our oldest boys will stay in Colorado while Jedidiah joins us for his first overseas trip.
After that, Anna will head to the Arabian Peninsula to meet up with some of our dearest friends for a few days while I head on to Iraq with our FAI medical team. We will be setting up clinics in a number of cities and villages to serve those who have fled the carnage of the Islamic State. We are also bringing a small film team for a number of projects that we will share more about in due time.
The humanitarian crisis in the region is mounting every day with escalating violence and unthinkable misery. In the face of such barbarism and depravity, the opportunity for the advance of the Gospel of the Kingdom is unprecedented. I will be sending out another email in a few weeks for those who would like to contribute financially for the purchasing of medicine, food and clothing.
This trip will serve as a scouting trip of sorts for the establishment of a long-term hub of humanitarian and evangelistic efforts (of which Anna and I are excited to share more about in the future).
During this sabbatical season, the Lord has been so kind in providing all of our basic needs. We have been blown away by all the ways He has cared for us. Our home church here in Columbus, Christ Community Church, has been such a support to us on every level. We are so grateful to have a home base like this and blessed by the comrades we have here.
In view of our moving expenses in December and living expenses for our year in Colorado, we are praying about a number of financial needs. During our season that we have been stateside, we have not intentionally raised financial support, which has meant our partnership team has dwindled. As we gear up to put our hands back on the plow, we need to raise a substantial percentage of our monthly living expenses to make up the deficit. Would you pray with us? If you would like to join our partnership team and sow into the work, various ways to give are included at the bottom of this email. 
For those who have continued to financially support us through this season of rest for our family, thank you.
After almost a decade of posting resources at daltonthomas.org (though the domain named changed quite a few times) I recently built this new website on a new platform with a new sitemap. There were thousands of articles and sermons that became too difficult to keep organized. Over the next few months I’ll be adding the best resources from the old site and new resources.
We are so grateful for your friendship and humbled by all the ways you have supported us over the years. Thank you.
In His glorious grace
Dalton, Anna, Isaiah, Elisha, & Jedidiah

For tax-deductible gifts or monthly support:

Christ Community Church
4078 Milgen Road  Columbus, GA 31907
***Be sure to include a note that the check is “For Dalton and Anna”

If you aren’t concerned about tax benefits, our Paypal account is contactdaltonthomas@gmail.com