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1. Gentiles have a Propensity to Arrogance (v. 25a)
2. Israel has been partially hardened in unbelief (v. 25b)
3. Israel’s hardness is temporary – “until” (v. 25c)
4. The hardness will continue until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in (v. 25d)
5. All Israel will be saved when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in (v. 26)
6. All Israel will be saved when Jesus returns and vindicates the Covenant (v. 26b-27)
7. Thus Israel are to be considered our “beloved” “enemies” (v. 28)
8. The gifts and callings of God towards Israel are irrevocable (v. 29)
9. Israel was hardened because God loves mercy (v. 30-32)