15 Hours of Teaching on the Opening Chapters of the Book of Acts

1: Intro and Overview | word | pdf

2: The Man, the Mandate, the Message (1:1-2) | word | pdf

3: The Supremacy of the King and the Centrality of the Kingdom (1:3) | word | pdf

4: The Assembly in Jerusalem and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (1:4-5) | word | pdf

5: The Restoration of the Kingdom to Israel (1:6) | word | pdf

6: From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth and Back Again (1:6-8) | word | pdf

7: You Shall Receive Power When the Holy Spirit Has Come Upon You (1:7-8) | word | pdf | mp3

8: The Ascension and Promise of the Return of the King (1:9-11) | word | pdf | mp3

9: The Scriptures, the Spirit, and the Sovereignty of God (1:12-26) | word | pdf | mp3

10: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit: Extraordinary Power for Extraordinary Witness (2:1-13) | word | pdf | mp3 (the last 20 minutes of the message is unavailable)

11: Pentecost: Its Importance and Implications for The Past, Present and Future (2:14-21) | pdf | mp3

12: The Cross: Where the Sovereign Plan of God and the Sinful Hands of Men Met (Acts 2:22-23) | pdf | mp3

13: The Resurrection and the Throne of David (2:24-32) | pdf | mp3

14: The Exaltation of the Slain King, Priest and Judge in the Order of Melchizedek (2:33-36) | pdf | mp3